thanks for the writeup @wrongtest! a couple points I am more curious about:

[quote="wrongtest, post:1, topic:11807"]
Our tir schedule phase would rewrite tensor layouts to fit hardware features, 
so we modify the compile engine to give a chance of compatible updates at relay 

could you say more here? is this a Relay-level thing or a TIR thing? presuming 
you've implemented this as a pass, how do you plan to ensure that the 
Relay-level pass makes the same scheduling decision as the TIR pass?

[quote="wrongtest, post:1, topic:11807"]
They are available after upstreaming. Also, we are more than glad to provide 
Docker environments for anyone interested in our hardware.

it seems like this could either be integrated into `ci-cpu` or as a separate 
`ci-` image, so long as the binaries are publicly available. do you have an 
estimate of the size of the docker image? also, just for my curiosity, would 
you be able to share a rough timeline of when you'd like to land this?

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