Co-authored-by: @areusch 

This Roadmap-RFC Process is merely a proposal. We are submitting this pre-RFC 
to collect feedback from the community. We encourage everyone to reply and help 
us improve this proposal.

## Background

The **Roadmap-RFC Process Proposal** is a follow-on to [[pre-RFC] TVM 
Roadmap]( posted in 
the Discuss forum earlier this year. In discussion on this pre-RFC, it was 
noted that there wasn't a way for community members to directly modify the 
Roadmaps. While the intent of the original RFC was merely to reflect the work 
being done by the community, the community needs a way to engage with the 
roadmaps directly if they are to be used for project planning.

The goals of the **Roadmap-RFC Process Proposal** are:

- To follow up on comments/questions raised on [[pre-RFC] TVM 
Roadmap]( about 
interacting and upstreaming the initial roadmap items.
- Enable individuals and organizations that contribute to TVM to influence the 
vision of TVM via roadmaps
- Encourage individuals and organizations that contribute to TVM to share the 
details of their longer-term efforts
- Ensure a openly-governed, equitable process towards creating new roadmaps for 

## Overview

This RFC describes a process for the community to directly propose changes to 
TVM Roadmaps, including:

- Creating new roadmaps and updating existing roadmaps
    - Template of a roadmap's contextual information
    - Establishing the scope and themes behind a roadmap
- Adding items to roadmaps

## Components of a Roadmap

The key components of a roadmap are discussed in [[pre-RFC] TVM 
Roadmap]( - below is 
a quick recap:

- **Background & Motivations:** This section is intended to define a few key 
focus areas of the project and their overall success criteria.
- **Quarterly Planning Columns**: there are 4 quarterly planning columns 
defined on a roadmap. Each column contains:
    - **Themes & Goals:** intended to show how the focus areas of the project 
are addressed that quarter
    - **Roadmap Items:** Track the actual tasks being accomplished this 
quarter. Roadmap Items are GitHub Issues which either track work (such as 
pre-RFCs, RFCs, or implementations of those) or track efforts to fix bugs.
- **Backlog Column**: Items on the roadmap which don’t have an owner or a 
proposed development timeline fall into the **Backlog Items** column. This is 
also the default location where new roadmap issues are placed.

## Process Definitions

This section proposes the **Roadmap-RFC** process, which aims to encapsulate 
the processes discussed in the Overview section. The **Roadmap-RFC** is used to 
create, modify, or delete roadmaps. Details on the process are listed below.

### Template of a Roadmap's Contextual Information

The following fields provide some contextual information for each roadmap. 

- **Roadmap Name:** Name of the roadmap
- **Roadmap Maintainers**: These community members are primarily responsible 
for adding, modifying, and removing roadmap items. **Any community member can 
be listed as a maintainer of a roadmap, regardless of contributor status within 
the Apache organization.**
    - Note: If a Roadmap-RFC's proposed maintainer does not have TVM Committer 
or PMC status within the Apache organization, they will receive an invitation 
for a Triage role in Apache TVM as soon as their Roadmap-RFC is accepted. This 
will allow them to maintain and triage roadmaps while maintaining the Apache 
community contribution process.
- **Roadmap Summary/Description:** A brief description of the roadmap

### Establishing Scope and Themes for a new Roadmap

For each roadmap, a set of **scope** and **themes** should also be defined, in 
order for TVM's community members to quickly learn about a roadmap's key focus 

**Establishing Scope**

- How are the tasks tracked in this roadmap grouped together? How can we think 
about this grouping distinct from those made in other roadmaps? It's okay for 
there to be overlap with other roadmaps, but the scope defined here should 
motivate a separate roadmap.
- Is the proposed roadmap intended to represent a perpetually ongoing set of 
efforts, or is there an end goal which will close/finalize the roadmap?
- Does the proposed roadmap have any scope overlaps with any existing roadmaps? 
If so, please list them.

**Establishing Themes**

- List 4-6 proposed "themes" of the roadmap, intended to convey the purpose of 
the roadmap and the types of tasks that should be added.
    - Some examples of themes are `programmability`, `portability`, and 
    - Themes are intended to group items within a roadmap. This helps us to 
understand the scope of the roadmap.
- For each theme, include a set of definitions specific to the proposed roadmap.
    - What does this theme mean in the context of this roadmap?
    - Are there multiple definitions for this theme? For example, `performance` 
could be interpreted as tuning times, runtime latency, or a number of other 
- For each theme, include a set of success criteria specific to the proposed 
    - What types of metrics would be relevant to this roadmap?

## Adding Items to a Roadmap

A roadmap's maintainers are the primary folks responsible for adding, 
modifying, and removing items for a roadmap. This isn't a hard and fast 
rule—for example, it may be expedient for other community members to triage new 
roadmap items into a roadmap's backlog. However, the maintainers should be 
considered the "owners" of a roadmap, and generally no rigid process is defined 
around modifying the items in a roadmap.

Roadmaps are defined using [GitHub 
 and can include GitHub Issues, Pull Requests, and simple note cards. 
Maintainers should strive to place mainly **GitHub Issues** in Roadmaps to make 
it possible for the community to learn more about ongoing work and reduce 
triage burden.

Each item on a roadmap is intended to track one of these community processes:

- **pre-RFCs** serve as a way to begin discussions on planned work at the 
earliest stage of maturity. **pre-RFCs** are typically posted in the [TVM 
Discuss forums]( in order to solicit TVM 
Community feedback. For an example of a **pre-RFC**, see the screenshot of 
Andrew R's proposal to *Convert RST Docs to Markdown* below.

    **pre-RFCs** can be tracked on a Roadmap by preemptively creating a GitHub 
Task-tracking Issue in [tvm-rfcs](
- **RFCs** serve as a way to share feature proposals with the TVM Community. 
The [tvm-rfcs]( repo is used for the 
creation and acceptance of **RFCs**. For some examples of **RFCs**, see the 
screenshot of open pull requests in 
[tvm-rfcs]( below.

    Open **RFCs** can be directly linked into any roadmap. Once an **RFC** is 
accepted, please use the **Github Task-Tracking** process to track **RFC** 
- **Github Task-Tracking Issues** are used in 
[tvm]( to share the progress of accepted RFCs 
over time. For an example of a **Github Task-Tracking Issue**, see the 
screenshot of Andrew L's RFC to *Add Mixed-Precision Support to TVM* below.

    These task-tracking issues can be directly linked into any roadmap.
- **Bugfixes** are actionable GitHub Issues not necessarily connected to a 
Task-Tracking Issue. Generally, they require only 1 PR and the work is clearly 
specified in the issue. For an example of a **bugfix** Github Issue, see the 
screenshot of a flaky CI test report below.
    You can directly link **bugfixes** in a roadmap by adding their 
corresponding GitHub Issues as a card. Generally, it’s the maintainer’s 
responsibility to combine related **bugfixes** in order to keep the roadmap 
concise. For example, if you have 10 flaky tests in CI, it might make sense to 
have a global tracking issue for flaky CI tests which points to each individual 

## Questions for Discussion

1. Is this process worth engaging with? Do you feel it will overall help the 
community get a birds-eye view of the ongoing developments in TVM?
2. What happens if a roadmap becomes unmaintained?
3. How should we connect the dots between a roadmap and the TVM release process?

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