@areusch I definitely agree with everything you said. To clarify, I'm in favor 
of this going forward given the impact it has on the quality of life of the 
code shepherds, so I guess I'll officially vote +1. 
I just wanted to mention these concerns in a place where we already have some 
discussion :) and also point out that this does not really improve the quality 
of life for people who are not code shepherds-- there's still a lot of work to 
be done there, but it doesn't need to be done now.

@hogepodge Yeah I think that looking at what other open source communities are 
doing could be quite instructive for us, since scaling TVM is going to be 
difficult. I think we should also really consider what purpose reviews serve in 
the community, both from a technical code shepherding standpoint and a 
knowledge sharing standpoint.

This vote thread is probably not the best place to have this discussion though 
:) @hogepodge @areusch @denise-k Let's figure out what a good format for this 
discussion is elsewhere

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