> Agree with @leandron that we could firstly refer to the items there. Many 
> "initial" features in v0.7 are now stable. For example:
>     * Initial automatic scheduling support -> stable.
>     * Initial command line driver interface -> stable.
>     * Intial Hexagon support -> stable.
>     * Bring your own codegen (BYOC) support -> now we have several backends.
>       * [stable] NVIDIA TensorRT, Xilinx Vitis-AI, ARM compute library, ARM 
> Ethos-N, etc.
>       * [experimental] TBA.

Does our hexagon support is stable now? I am not sure about it. As I saw we 
still pull requests actively(like https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/8986 to 
support model lauch). I think the status maybe is still not stable. 
@kparzysz-quic should give more definitive answer

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