Hi All, This thread will be on top of Original Thread of [Module Based Model 

As i believe the original thread is already been so long, so it will lose 
originality if these points being discussed there.

P0: Export_Library should lose the extension spec in file name, e.g., "xxx.so". 
Should be as below

    > mod.export_library("/Path-to-Module/Module-name")


   > mod.export_library("/Path-to-Module")

   Here default name can be assigned. TVM internally can decide what extension 
need to be assigned based on Target spec.

P1: As the package_params is optional: Should we include an api to serialize 
the Params / Weights.
       It will ease the burden of user to serialize and transport, also the 
serialization format can be standardized. The api can be like below:

   > mod.export_params("Path-to-Params")

P2: Should we change the name name of the export_library API.
   Rather as the proposal is for Module based runtime, and the goal is to Pack 
all into one. Should we change it to

   > mod.export_module()


   > mod.export_model()

P3: LIB signing: It will provide additional security, to ensure TVM 
deliverables are not tampered with.

Seek all your expert opinions on above points.

 to respond.

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