@ramana-arm Great points and we will make sure that any discussion in an online 
meetup is a complement, rather than a substitute for RFCs, Github issues, and 
discuss threads.

## First OctoML Apache TVM Online Meetup - May 21
Okay, I'd like to go ahead and give this a try. Thursday, May 21 at 9am PST 
(see [timezone conversions here](https://everytimezone.com/?t=5ec5c480,3c0)) we 
will host a zoom meeting which will be recorded and posted onto Youtube 

You'll need to complete a simple free [registration for the zoom meeting 
 if you want to participate live (this requirement is an attempt to curb zoom 
"crashers"). Let me know if anyone has any issues with this.

And the agenda is [live here on Google 
 feel free to make comments and suggestions on the format and content or to 
volunteer to present something. You can also comment here in this discuss 
thread. Currently we have:

### Tentative (May 5th) agenda:
* 2 min - Introduction - Jason Knight
* 10 min - Update on Unified IR work - Tianqi Chen
* 10 min - Graph pattern matching and rewriting - Matthew Brookhart
* < volunteers requested>
* (Time available) - Open mic
  * Suggestions for future meeting topics / cadence

We'll send some announcements over Twitter, but feel free to amplify in any 
media you have access to.

[Visit Topic](https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/tvm-online-meetups/6382/8) to respond.

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