@ramana-arm Great points and we will make sure that any discussion in an online meetup is a complement, rather than a substitute for RFCs, Github issues, and discuss threads.
## First OctoML Apache TVM Online Meetup - May 21 Okay, I'd like to go ahead and give this a try. Thursday, May 21 at 9am PST (see [timezone conversions here](https://everytimezone.com/?t=5ec5c480,3c0)) we will host a zoom meeting which will be recorded and posted onto Youtube afterwards. You'll need to complete a simple free [registration for the zoom meeting here](https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudO6uqj0iHtcdcwacjFT6YPZrQPJ5t7_-) if you want to participate live (this requirement is an attempt to curb zoom "crashers"). Let me know if anyone has any issues with this. And the agenda is [live here on Google docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bfE7Ydk43aMM3aiLf8GM7xEatPJwhj839ANfBheUJcM/edit?usp=sharing) feel free to make comments and suggestions on the format and content or to volunteer to present something. You can also comment here in this discuss thread. Currently we have: ### Tentative (May 5th) agenda: * 2 min - Introduction - Jason Knight * 10 min - Update on Unified IR work - Tianqi Chen * 10 min - Graph pattern matching and rewriting - Matthew Brookhart * < volunteers requested> * (Time available) - Open mic * Suggestions for future meeting topics / cadence We'll send some announcements over Twitter, but feel free to amplify in any media you have access to. --- [Visit Topic](https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/tvm-online-meetups/6382/8) to respond. You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](https://discuss.tvm.ai/email/unsubscribe/606891d2b1c5ad178442b388041fddf2b424fee80adcd4080caaf58ab5ce2c85).