[quote="gmagogsfm, post:1, topic:6473"] dynamic shape [/quote]
Nice proposal, one fruit for thoughts would be whether can we have a hybrid TF / HLO combo, which is made possible under the unified IR infra. The idea is that we could run a cut during conversion, making MLIR function as a possible extern function in the IRModule under the TVM unified IR. We run the high level translation(from TF high-level) to relay, cut up the un-supported fragments as MLIR sub-functions(that relay can call into), then use the HLO lowering on these fragments that are not covered by the TF graph. The advantage is that we can preserve high level info is necessary but still is able to make use of HLO for coverage --- [Visit Topic](https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/rfc-mlir-frontend/6473/3) to respond. You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](https://discuss.tvm.ai/email/unsubscribe/87c6e9f949269b72e634fbe58f5e5a81f2305c49ce48e8163c1a134376032f56).