As an example for @ANSHUMAN.TRIPATHY for just using the C API, I generated the C# p/invoke (using [this lib]( Since it's autogen'd don't rely on it 100%, so some of it will be wrong!
p/invoke code like above would then be wrapped with C# classes to hide away all the p/invoke smell. **API Choices:** I understand the reasoning behind keeping a similarity with the python APIs, but I think you might want to balance that with being a .NET API & conventions. Consider: `IReadOnlyList<NDArray> outputs = runtime.Outputs;` or `var output = runtime.Outputs[0];` or `var output = runtime.GetOutput(0);` vs `var output = runtime.get_output(0);` The [java impl]( has a nice balance of java conventions and discoverable tvm api. In any case, these are just my opinions :) --- [Visit Topic]( to respond. You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](