
Tilman Hausherr commented on TIKA-1533:

The links no longer work but it's a known problem. To solve it, we'd need an 
algorithm that divides pages into text blocks and then stores this information 
as "beads" in the PDF ("beads" is a concept in PDF to mark text blocks and we 
support reading it). Such algorithms exist because all OCR tools can do this.

My quick thought would be to use the shapes of the glyphs, make them a bit 
larger, join all shapes but keep only the outsides, then find out how many such 
shapes exist, and do a rectangular bound on these shapes.

> PDF parse failing to capture right order of text (2 columns)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: TIKA-1533
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-1533
>             Project: Tika
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: parser
>    Affects Versions: 1.6, 1.7
>         Environment: Java 8, Mac OS X
>            Reporter: Tamara
>            Priority: Major
> When I am converting a document with two columns the order of the columns are 
> inverted in the text file. I only could notice because it is an index list. 
> The page I start to see the problem is the page 303, to look in the converted 
> text look for 362. In the second file I have the same problem the page is 341.
> I have tried: setSortByPosition(true) and the columns got scrambled.
> I have tried to copy and paste from the pdf preview and the copy is as it 
> should.
> And I have tried to use PDFXStream and it parses in the right way.
> Here are the files I have seen the issue:
> http://www.sbu.se/upload/Publikationer/Content0/1/Autismspektrumtillst%C3%A5nd_fulltext.pdf
> http://www.sbu.se/upload/publikationer/content0/1/forstamningssyndrom_fulltext.pdf
> The problem is in this sequence, in the first file:
> 362 A u t i s m s p e k t r u m t i l l s tå n d –  d i Ag n o s t i k  o c h 
> i n s At s e r ,  
> vå r d e n s  o r g A n i s At i o n o c h pAt i e n t e n s  d e l A k t i g 
> h e t
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> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Second File: pg 341 or 344
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