My account creation request was denied asking more details.
Here are the details
1. We are using tika jar (tika-bundle-standard) which is a fat jar and
contains :bcprov-jdk15on-1.70.jar and bcpkix-jdk15on-1.70.jar which are
reported as vulnerable by our security scans.
2. I wanted to raise a jira on tika to incorporate 1.78 :bcprov-jdk15on
for and 1.73 for bcpkix-jdk15on and release tika-bundle-standard jar
I request you to allow my account creation in order to create above requirement
as jira item for tika.
Anagha Gokhale
--- Begin Message ---
Hi, there.
We regret to inform you that, upon reviewing your request for a new Jira
account connected with The Apache Software Foundation,
the tika project has chosen to deny the request. We therefore will not create
the Jira account.
The following reason was given:
Hello Anagha,
Please visit
(see bottom left on how to subscribe)
and tell us more details first. You can also submit PRs on github.
Sorry, but we've had to deal with a bunch of spam accounts.
We're definitively interested in bug reports or contributions!
Note that you can also propose pull requests through github which doesn't
require registration except to github.
If you wish to appeal this decision, contact the tika project directly.
Note: If you have been asked to provide additional information and apply again,
you must wait 24 hours from now before making your new application.
--- End Message ---