
Nicholas DiPiazza edited comment on TIKA-4251 at 6/25/24 6:42 PM:

i guess we don't even need the maven plugin then.

we can use intellij to format all java source one time.

Then use the "format code" option in the git commit dialog so that you always 
have formatted commits (given that you used intellij to commit).

eclipse has this option as well to format on save. same thing as long as they 
are using eclipse, they will never have checkstyle issues.

this provides the "stop having checkstyle back-and-forth that wastes tons of 
time" issue

was (Author: ndipiazza):
i guess we don't even need the maven plugin then.

we can use intellij to format all java source one time.

Then use the "format code" option in the git commit dialog so that you always 
have formatted commits (given that you used intellij to commit).

this provides the "stop having checkstyle back-and-forth that wastes tons of 
time" issue

> [DISCUSS] move to cosium's git-code-format-maven-plugin with 
> google-java-format
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: TIKA-4251
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-4251
>             Project: Tika
>          Issue Type: Task
>            Reporter: Tim Allison
>            Priority: Major
> I was recently working a bit on incubator-stormcrawler, and I noticed that 
> they are using cosium's git-code-format-maven-plugin: 
> https://github.com/Cosium/git-code-format-maven-plugin
> I was initially annoyed that I couldn't quickly figure out what I had to fix 
> to make the linter happyl, but then I realized there was a magic command: 
> {{mvn git-code-format:format-code}} which just fixed the code so that the 
> linter passed. 
> The one drawback I found is that it does not fix nor does it alert on 
> wildcard imports.  We could still use checkstyle for that but only have one 
> rule for checkstyle.
> The other drawback is that there is not a lot of room for variation from 
> google's style. This may actually be a benefit, too, of course.
> I just ran this on {{tika-core}} here: 
> https://github.com/apache/tika/tree/google-java-format
> What would you think about making this change for 3.x?

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