Hi Dave, thanks for your replay, please see my comments inline. On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 10:48 AM, David Meikle <loo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In terms of the 1.5 release, it is down to the community in that we need > to take a wee vote on if we are ready for one and agree if there is > anything else that needs fixed or included in it. There is a lot of issues > marked as resolved but also 22 open[3], so there may be something you think > you can contribute to in that list by means of a patch. > Chris was talking about spinning one up once he had a few free cycles but > to kick the ball rolling I will start by putting out an email on what to > include. > > Ok, sounds good. I may take > TIKA-1078<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-1078>; maybe it is not the most interesting one, but since I am not familiar with tika hacking, it could be a good starting point. > Alternatively, I would backport the fix to 1.4 so that we could release a > > 1.4.1 quickly. What do you think? > > With a release for 1.5 potentially just around the corner, my opinion > would be that I think it would be better to focus on addressing anything > that blocks releasing that instead of creating a back-port and then going > through the release process for 1.4.1. > I tend to agree, but IMHO this really depends on when 1.5 is foreseeable. If it takes still some while, or it is still undefined, it may make sense release an update to 1.4. At the end it is out with a quite remarkable bug and the only fix at the moment is to build a new 1.5 SNAPSHOT. What do the others think? Thanks again, -- Ste