Hi Guys,

There have been some questions pop up around when a new 1.5 release will be 

I have some free cycles over the next couple of weeks to prepare one and I 
believe Chris has some too, so in preparation for that what do we need to do to 
make the current trunk releasable as version 1.5?

For me the following issue need to be fixed before release:
TIKA-1198 - the change to using multi-parts appears to have broken our current 
guidance on usage significantly.

Is there anything else others think is a must before rolling a release? 

I was also thinking we could do some quick work to include the following issues:
TIKA-985, TIKA-980

I don’t want to hold things up, so if we sort peoples mandatories I think we 
should roll a release. 

@Chris - I know you had free cycles and volunteered so will defer to you on the 
release management side of things.  That said happy to take it on if that helps.


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