On January 26, 2024 1:57:07 PM GMT+03:00, Greg Reagle <l...@speedpost.net> 
>On Thu, Jan 25, 2024, at 8:16 PM, lain. wrote:
>> On 2024年01月25日 14:48, the silly Greg Reagle claimed to have said:
>>> Salutations.  Is there already a dwm layout patch for what I describe below?
>>> I love the way that the columns patch handles the master area, i.e. the 
>>> ability to control its width and number of windows, and that the windows in 
>>> the master area take up the full height of the display.  In the stacking 
>>> area, though, I'd love for those windows to be managed like a (gapless) 
>>> grid.  In this context gapless does not mean a few pixels, but a big chunk 
>>> missing.
>>> Does it already exist?  Thanks!
>> Yes, this sounds like the default behavior of DWM.
>The default behavior of dwm is to stack the stacking area, not to manage it as 
>a grid.

You can emulate a grid-like layout in the default dwm layout by incrementing 
the amount of masters (incnmaster, mod+I)

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