I didn't know that you could use the shell like this.  What a delightful 
surprise.  Here is the code for bash/dash:
command | (read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort)
The purpose of this is to keep the header and not sort it, but sort the rest.  
It is for a command that produces a header when you want to keep the header.  

Inspired by this, I came up with this for my favorite shell, rc (of Plan9Port):
ps aux | {printf '%s' `{read -n 1}; sort -k4 -n} | awk '$4>=0.5 || $0~"USER"' | 
less -S
This shows processes sorted by column 4 which is percent of memory.  The awk 
command excludes processes using less than one half of a percent of memory and 
includes the header line.  This is running on Debian fyi.  I think that the 
read command is from Plan9Port, and all the rest of the commands are the Debian 
standards, i.e. belonging to either Linux or GNU.  Here is a simpler version 
that shows all processes:
ps aux | {printf '%s' `{read -n 1}; sort -k4 -n} | less -S

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