Hi Robert, > LC_CTYPE is set correctly to "en_US.UTF-8"
Set how? > I compiled the same st code on Debian 11 (Bullseye) and Pop OS! (Ubuntu > 21.10). On Debian, UTF-8 works fine, on Pop OS!, with the same keyboard, > it doesn't. In both cases, UTF-8 works in lxterminal. Could you explain your actual test process? > If I call surf from st, the unicode characters work well. Isn't that an > indicator that the configuration cannot be that wrong? Not really, because a web page encoding is a content property and should be specified in the HTTP headers. > Of course, I could re-install the computer with Debian and try again > compiling st, but there should be an easier way ... I doubt this would solve the issue that seems to be related to the combination of st and Pop OS!, it works on Deian.