>I agree that it shall be added to all Makefile, because >otherwise the behavior of make is unspecified. >(Quote from the POSIX specifications) I'm sure you meant it like that, but just to clarify it: It is only unspecified if it doesn't appear as the first non-comment line, has prerequisites or commands.
>.POSIX can be used as long a the makefile does not >use any feature that conflicts with POSIX. But I think >it would mislead people into thinking the non-POSIX >features are POSIX feature, so it would be best skip >it in that case. I agree with that. As far as I can see, we could add `.POSIX` to the following programs: dwm, dmenu, dwmstatus, sent and tabbed I've just looked over the Makefiles very briefly, so I may have overseen something. Note: I just picked out the "biggest" programs. >I do however think some Makefile here that use the @ >macro in the prerequisite. This is not a POSIX feature, >is seldom needed, and should be removed assuming it >is redundant given the inferred prerequisite of >inference rules. sbase does it but I haven't looked closer. -- craekz