> Hi there John,

Hello Benjamin,

> > Is anyone interested in using surf with WebKit content filtering?
> >
> > If so, I'd like to see your must-have features and can't-have excesses. But 
> > a mere yea or nay would also be informative, if perhaps more suitable for 
> > direct contact.
> >  
> Your idea sounds great, and my opinion it, would be a great addition to surf! 
> I have tried many times to make surf my de-facto web browser but realized 
> over time that it lacked three things to achieve this:
> => Good content filtering

As I said, it already has through wyebadblock

> => Good password management (autofill is a must)  

Good password management is your brain.
I see autofill almost as much secure as having no password or the same
one everywhere.
Maybe somebody will write an external patch for it though.

> With those three combined, surf would be (again, in my opinion) the best of 
> the best.

What's the third one?

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