On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 20:38:51 +0200
Mattias Andrée <maand...@kth.se> wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Apr 2021 21:30:58 +0300
> Sergey Matveev <stargr...@stargrave.org> wrote:
> > *** Mattias Andrée [2021-04-17 20:08]:  
> > >No one has an OCaml compiler.    
> > 
> > Same applies to Rust.
> > And to Go too, but it is easy bootstrappable with the C compiler, taking
> > just several minutes on modest hardware. Rust is like a JavaScript: just
> > download it and run, because it is seems so convenient modern days.
> >   
> > >If I'm going to write a compiler, I'm going to write it in C    
> > 
> > That is good. And nearly everyone does so, or use at least something
> > that can be build with C-compiler.
> >   
> Yes, one extra step is acceptable, as long as you have a way,
> that isn't too long, to get there from some common starting
> point. Self-hosted is a problem, but if you host a
> non-self-hosted versions that can be used to compile the
> self-hosted one, it is also acceptable, but you should not
> have to manually look for through old releases to find a
> non-self-hosted version.

So basically, if you are going to make a self-hosted compiler
for your own language, you have to publish the last version
that wasn't self-hosted alongside the self-hosted version,
and then make sure all new versions are compilable with that

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