
I'm trying to understand how the cursor coloring works in st. Maybe someone can 
kindly help.

In Vim, I was previously able to change cursor color, based on Vim mode, with 
the following use of op codes and the OSC patch, for example:

    let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q\<Esc>]12;yellow\x7"

However, I'm now trying to set cursor colors in NeoVim, which doesn't support 
the old Vim style 't_SI' method for setting op codes.
NeoVim help boldly claims that it "treats the terminal as any other UI", but 
its 'modern' cursor coloring just doesn't work in st, as best I can tell.

Are there methods other than OSC escape codes for setting cursor color? If so, 
what are they and does st support them?


Paul Swanson

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