Upon a recent update a few days ago (Tuesday the 8th) of dhcpd, picom,
and zeromq, both dwm and st began to experience graphical/input lag. I
then tried to downgrade these packages, disable picom, reboot my
computer, etc. although nothing seemed to fix the issue.

I know this only happens with my dwm/st applications because I run
Firefox, i3, or Telegram and get no graphical/input lag within those
programs. It's also strange because I take a look at my system resource
usage and everything seems pretty normal.

If I had to guess, it might have to do with how dwm/st manages
graphics/input. If it's of any reference, dmenu seems to have no input
lag, although with picom enabled it does have some graphical lag. This,
however, could be due to dwm and not dmenu itself.

Any idea what could be the cause of this?

Thanks in advance.

Nicolás Ortega Froysa
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