Hi Hiltjo!

On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 12:47 PM Hiltjo Posthuma <hil...@codemadness.org> wrote:
> On a quick glance I see that the numbered bullet items are not incremented on
> your version anymore:
> > After: 
> > http://static.karl.berlin/smu-preview/dwm.suckless.org/patches/moveresize/

This happens because each of the list items is in a separate list,
making the numbering restart from one. Since the lines between the
list items are not indented by three spaces, there is not way to treat
this as a single list while conforming to CommonMark, if I understand
the list handling specs correctly.
The input leading to this can be seen at

But there is a good solution to make this example work: Implement the
list start number behavior[1] from the CommonMark spec, so the even
though these items are treated as different lists, each item will get
the intended number. So far, smu always started counting from 0. I'll
do that if nobody voices an opposing opinion.

> Can you try to get the improvements upstream to Gottox (if you haven't tried 
> it
> already of course).

I've created two PRs[2][3] last September but I didn't receive any
feedback on them. So I didn't see a point in creating more PRs.

Thanks for the feedback,

[1] https://spec.commonmark.org/0.29/#start-number
[2] https://github.com/Gottox/smu/pull/10
[3] https://github.com/Gottox/smu/pull/11

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