On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 05:00:53AM -0300, Wilson M. S. Moncayo wrote:
> The tmux terminfo extensions Ss and Se are respectively used to switch
> and reset the cursor style, and were finally made to work in st in
> commit 8386642, wherein the string "\E[2 q" is used to reset the cursor
> style.


> Thinking that's a problem with the value of Se in st.info, I manually
> changed it to "\E[4 q" and rebuilt st. It /didn't/ keep the cursor from
> becoming a block after closing neovim. `printf '\033[4 q'` does turn the
> cursor back into an underline, as does `printf '\033[ q'`, which I also
> tried using as Se to no avail.

So, the sequences are working correctly.

> I'm wondering if this is the fault of st or neovim.

You can use sscript to catch all the output of your session and see if
someone is printing the value of Se, that I guess is not used. To make it
easier you can put something like 'Se = wowWoWwow' and search it in the
file generated by script.

After checking that the value of Se is not used then you can do several
things, for example adding \E2 q to the reset string in terminfo (keys rs1, rs2 
and rs3).
You can take a look to terminfo(5) to get more information.


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