On Wed, Dec 26, 2018, at 13:23, Sylvain Bertrand wrote:
> Since llvm is pure c++ madness and gcc is still far from being one:
> gnu gcc sucks less than clang/llvm. yes, GNU gcc sucks less than BSD
> clang/llvm, wow.

The chosen language is just one "suckless metric". I hold little love
for C++, but I'll choose a well-designed and well-written C++ program
over a badly designed and badly written C program any day of the week.

A good example to illustrate this point might be procmail:

The comment says "seems to be relatively bug free", but I think it's
fair to say that figuring out what that stuff even does is a lot harder
than figuring out the average C++ program, and smaller/well written C++
programs in particular.

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