Hi, https://lists.suckless.org/dev/1811/33025.html
I prepared a more detailed description of how to compile vis + netbsd-curses. 1) copy from ncurses/ncurses/names.c strnames & strfnames: DCL(strnames) = { "cbt", "bel", (...) "box1", (NCURSES_CONST char *)0, }; DCL(strfnames) = { "back_tab", "bell", (...) "box_chars_1", (NCURSES_CONST char *)0, }; 2) replace ncurses macros (DCL etc.) with C declarations: const char *strnames[] = { "cbt", "bel", (...) "box1", NULL, }; const char *strfnames[] = { "back_tab", "bell", (...) "box_chars_1", NULL, }; 3) edit driver-ti.c (libtermkey) and include names.c: #ifdef HAVE_UNIBILIUM # include <unibilium.h> #else # include <curses.h> # include <term.h> /* strnames and strfnames */ #include "names.c" /* curses.h has just poluted our namespace. We want this back */ # undef buttons #endif vis works fine, however, there is a problem when I use ':!' or ':e *'. I think that the terminal settings are not restored. Does anyone have an idea here how it can be solved? Daniel