Yeah, help with setting up X would be very nice. How much work would it be to 
use it with wayland?

> On 12 Nov 2018, at 05:57, Platon Ryzhikov <> wrote:
> 12.11.2018, 08:29, "Markus Wichmann" <>:
>> What's to help? You download the source, install it, remove udev from
>> your init system and add smdev to it. Maybe add some configuration, but
>> the defaults seem to work pretty well.
> I tried to do that in systemd-free Arch-based distro. In general smdev 
> reconfiguration (along with using nldev) allows to enable most of computer 
> functionality. The one thing i still haven't succeed is input in X: i mean, i 
> can start X but it has no reaction to keyboard and mouse.

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