I used fontconfig 2.12.4.

I noticed the following AFTER I sent the initial patch.  I seriously
doubt that this is new or unexpected behavior since the frc member
unicodep is used to catch the individual rune that a font was opened
for (and then eliminate that ONE rune from a new open on the next
cache search pass).  "break;"

The problem with this is - outside of the odd Emoji - when dealing
with Asian languages, if Glyphs can't be found it's because someone is
looking at a document that expects to have runes in the Asian Extended
D or E Unicode ranges, and they don't have that font available (in
monospace).  That means occurrences of repeating, not-found runes are
going to be much less common than new, unique not-found runes, and
those font slots QUICKLY run out.

Maybe ALSO dealing with the ever-growing list of rune-not-found is the
right way to handle this situation (it will cut down on
open-then-close), by expanding this patch or in a completely separate
patch.  The problem is a growing list of not-found makes for code that
sucks (using ever more memory over time).  wchar_t isn't huge, but
these Unicode ranges are particularly large.

Thank you,
Gary Allen

On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 2:37 PM, Hiltjo Posthuma <hil...@codemadness.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 06:09:00PM -0400, Gary Allen Vollink wrote:
>> Patch partially addresses this question from last month:
>> https://lists.suckless.org/dev/1708/32111.html
>> If a Glyph simply does not exist within the fonts of a system,
>> fontconfig ends up returning the original default font again.  At this
>> point, 'st' happily opens it again, and holds a new frc array slot
>> hostage with a duplicate opened font in the array.  Same glyph, it
>> won't happen again, but for a different glyph that doesn't exist,
>> things get really crazy with opens and closes (especially once the
>> hard-coded 16 fallback cache limit is reached).  Under a certain mix
>> of legitimate fonts on the screen, it's possible to close a font that
>> is actually being used (This never works out well).
> This sounds like a fontconfig bug or not? Which version of fontconfig do
> you use?
>> I attached a fairly simple diff that stops this.
>> Check-in comment:
>> If fontconfig returns a font that has no matching glyph, close the now
>> opened, unused font.
>> I first started to investigate a problem under macOS that happens
>> because macOS actually has a fallback font.  There, once any single
>> Glyph cannot be found at all, no other Glyph that had not already been
>> loaded will ever be looked up.  This, because the loaded fallback font
>> will ALWAYS return a positive Glyph.  In addition to the fix attached,
>> the fix for this under macOS seems to be in .fonts.conf, so I won't
>> bother with further details.  (Feel free to reach out off-list if you
>> want more info).
>> Thank you,
>> Gary Allen
>> --- a/x.c     2017-09-30 15:46:51.713848500 -0400
>> +++ b/x.c     2017-10-01 16:59:13.786729400 -0400
>> @@ -1100,8 +1100,13 @@
>>                       glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, frc[frclen].font, 
>> rune);
>> -                     f = frclen;
>> -                     frclen++;
>> +                     if (!glyphidx) {
>> +                             XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[frclen].font);
>> +                             frc[frclen].unicodep = 0;
>> +                     } else {
>> +                             f = frclen;
>> +                             frclen++;
>> +                     }
>>                       FcPatternDestroy(fcpattern);
>>                       FcCharSetDestroy(fccharset);
> --
> Kind regards,
> Hiltjo

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