On the website i just found the following information (not distributed
via mailing list either):

"The suckless.org project is now hosted on a new server. All inactive
accounts have been removed during the relocation.

Please note that the new ECDSA key fingerprint is

In addition there are now TLS certificates, I guess to create more
trust in people.

But, is Anselm even still alive? Why should I trust suckless hasn't
been taken over by these new guys on the mailing list? Where is the
proof here?

Why is the domain on Anselm's name, but all these certificate work
comes from random dudes like these Laslos and Hiltjos?

I'm hereby distancing myself from suckless as my former level of trust
has been broken by all the late events.

There was one brighter mind who finally joined us, but now it's too late.

I hope this mail reaches anyone and isn't filtered by some imposter.

Good bye.

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