Basically what the title asks: what is suckless' general opinion of GNU Stow. To clarify: I am not asking about the language or tools that make up GNU stow (It is obviously not Suckless).
Rather, I am asking your opinions on the general concept and how it has been implemented. Specifically, the idea of installing under a 'package' directory, and symlinking from there to the proper install location. But anything about the general behavior of it that you think especially sucky would help, also. An additional question (if you dislike it) is, what alternative ways of managing packages can you recommend, what package managers do you consider *most* suckless so far in how they act? (Ignoring slpm). Thank you for your time. -- - fao_ PGP fingerprint: 739B 6C5C 3DE1 33FA "Too enough is always not much!"