I fail to see how remote arbitrary code execution is a feature. Maybe
I'm missing something.

I suppose in essence it would suck less in that there'd be fewer APIs,
but you'll just get the same lazy code and bloat that most software
exhibits, but with the ease of visiting a webpage.

On 6/10/17, Louis Santillan <lpsan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://youtu.be/1uflg7LDmzI?t=5m35s
> James Mickens calls it Project Atlantis.  Make the web/content
> developers responsible for their own rendering and content parsing.
> Narrow & simplify the scope of what a browser needs to be (shouldn't
> duplicate all the functions of an OS).  His Deny First Same Origin
> Policy is also a worthy change to current standards.  This coupled
> with some of the concepts from Seif [0] (though not the current code
> base, I disagree with the choice of nodejs & Qt), could make web
> browsing . . . better, safer, more performant.
> Interesting things to consider with some of the suckless ethos.
> [0] https://youtu.be/0w6tZEbrHIY

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