On February 4, 2017 2:03:16 AM GMT+01:00, "Mattias Andrée" <maand...@kth.se> 
> Well, this is embarrassing, I forgot to check you program
> before starting on ul(1). However, I just ran
>       MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=y man man | ./iode

I made escape sequences tooglable with flags, maybe that is the reason.

You can try enabling colour interpreting with +R (or disabling it with -R).  
Either as command-line flag or as keybinding.

> and it is not able to display it properly, which is the
> only thing I have implemented in ul(1) so far. But I'll
> see if there are parts that can be reused.
> maandree

There is also +/-N for line number, and I am trying line wrapping / stripping 
with +/-S in a "folding" branch.

I will iddle in #suckless if that helps.

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