On Wed, 11 May 2016, Nick wrote:

> Hi folks,
> A few nights ago my too-expensive laptop met with too-cheap wine and now
> it is a far-too-expensive brick. As it's therefore time for me to
> install a new OS on a new laptop, I was wondering what people would
> recommend. I've been using Debian Stable for years now, which while it
> sucks does work well enough that I don't have to think about it very
> much, so I can do more interesting things with my time. But particularly
> after reading a few good articles about issues with debian [0] [1] I
> find myself wondering if there's a better option out there. A rolling
> release distribution would be fine with me, but only if it didn't break
> often at all; I enjoyed using Gentoo years ago when I was a student, but
> keeping it working took a lot of time that I do not want to dedicate to
> keeping a working system these days. I'd like to try something like
> morpheus [2], but I suspect that would take quite a lot of time and
> energy to get going and maintain.
> Any suggestions / thoughts?
> Nick

If you are comfortable enough with Debian, I would suggest to check out
Devuan at https://devuan.org . While it's not suckless, it does suck
less than Debian :)

Gentoo, when setup, "just werkz" so there isn't much to maintain
afterwards. Gentoo is my distro of choice, and Devuan on production
servers where other people don't want Gentoo (grrr!)


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