> > > Still does not work. After enabling one of the `show` settings, I am 
> > > unable
> > > to reset it again. I have to restart vis.
> > 
> > Strange, seems to work fine here.
> Okay, I got the issue. `parse_bool` is called with `0\n` as first argument. 
> The
> newline character should not be there for the intended behaviour. I also 
> managed
> to unset the setting by _not_ using the history. So it seems to be a bug with
> the history imlementation. To reproduce it, `:set show tabs` and then
> `:<Up><End>0<Delete><Return>`. I don't know the best way to fix it, but it 
> would
> be possible to strip the newline from within the `cmd_set` function.

I have taken this route for now. Should be fixed?

> > The vis way of doing this would be an alias to 
> > `<vis-operator-shift-right>gv`
> Ah right, I see it's used for `~` now. Could you add this mapping to the
> bindings_visual and bindings_visual_line in config.def.h?

There were some other (slightly ugly) changes necessary, but it should
now work as you want?

> > > I also was surprised, `\<view\>` works as it should. I propose to change
> > > CURSOR_SEARCH_WORD_… to use `\<WORD\>` as regex instead of just `WORD` to
> > > achieve the same functionality as in vim.
> > 
> > Yes I agree.
> This patch for vis-motions.c works for me:

Thanks, some care must be taken with the integration into the search
history though. I will take another look once I have more time ... 

The till/to changes are also committed. 


 Marc André Tanner >< http://www.brain-dump.org/ >< GPG key: 10C93617

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