On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 07:36:01PM -0500, Greg Reagle wrote:
I recommend using dvtm [2] with st in order to get scrolling. Someone
ought to change the FAQ. dvtm sucks considerably less than both tmux
and screen. It works very well, Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown will
scroll. If you use dvtm (or tmux or screen) for scrollback then there
is no need to bother with the scrollback patch for st. Or you can use
the scrollback patch for st and forget about dvtm (or tmux or screen).
[1] http://suckless.org/community [2]
Hi, Greg. There is actually a patch for st to use scrollback with mouse
support, I would like to advertise it as a maintainer. I would like to
use dvtm too but too bad, not support for true colors. If there is,
broadcast it to me so and I will switch to it.
Good luck and have a nice day!
< Do what you like, like what you do. >
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