On Sat, 21 Nov 2015 15:35:26 -0500
Matthew of Boswell <mordervomubel+suckl...@lockmail.us> wrote:

> Some of them even say
> that they're for 6.1 but really apply to a git version of dwm somewhere
> between 6.0 and 6.1.

If anybody marks his patches for 6.1 when they're just git-heads,
he'll be picked up by the suckless bus for a mental treatment.

If you want to test your patches against certain versions in your
git-repo, just do a "git checkout 6.1" for example to check out
version 6.1 and make your changes.
Then do a "git diff > tool-6.1-patch.diff" and upload it.
For git-patches, do the same but against master.



FRIGN <d...@frign.de>

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