
On Mon, 09 Mar 2015 21:15:53 +0100 Greg Reagle <> wrote:
> When I select text in st using the mouse, it sets both the primary
> selection and the clipboard selection.  It should only set the primary
> selection.  The clipboard is supposed to be only for explicitly
> requested copying.
> From
> Application authors should follow the following guidelines to get
> correct behavior:
>  - selecting but with no explicit copy should only set PRIMARY,
>    never CLIPBOARD

Please  fix  to  not  have such insane assumptions. The clipboard
problem in is completely bugged. St is here to save you from  even
considering to make invidual usage of PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD.

Can  you  please elaborate where you use both selections in parallel for
different tasks and where st does interfere?


Christoph Lohmann

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