Hi there!
Just want to share super-simple, crappy written yet quite useful (at
least for me) script I've written while ago.
I run it via bind with Ctrl+O

bind '"\C-o":". ~/.dbdb.sh\C-m"'

and the script

CHOSEN="just for not being empty"
DMENU="dmenu -i -fn -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
COLORS=" -nb #000000 -nf #706c9a -sb #000000 -sf #dddddd"
while [ "$CHOSEN" != "" ]; do
   clear && pwd && ls -X
   CHOSEN=`( ( echo "../" && ls -1p ) | grep "/" ) | $DMENU $COLORS`
   cd "$CHOSEN"

great job with suckless!

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