Stty shows that iutf8 is enabled for me. I saw earlier in the thread you verified your LC_ALL as being UTF-8, perhaps that or LANG is configured on your filesystem but is not propogating to st due to some shell configuration issue?

-- Michael Reed

On 08/03/2014 10:13 PM, Alexandre Niveau wrote:

On 24/07/2014 23:52, Roberto E. Vargas Caballero wrote:
Well, let me think. You press Backspace key (which generates ^H), and your configuration of stty says that erase is ^H, but then it seems that it is
deleted only the last byte of the previous utf8 rune. This action is
performed by the kernel, so the first thing we have to discard is a
problem related with locales.

After fiddling with st's code for some time, I finally realized that the problem could come from the way the tty was configured… And indeed, the command “stty iutf8” solved the problem.

I hadn't thought of this because there was no such problem in the other terminals I tried — and for good reason: they have “stty iutf8” on by default! Couldn't st behave the same?

I hope this could actually be useful for others. If it's not possible to have st automatically tell stty to use the iutf8 mode, then maybe it's worth a mention in the FAQ.

-- A.N.

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