I appreciate the private repo suckless offers Arch Linux. I've noticed pacman never reports it up-to-date. Run pacman -Syu twice quickly to see the db re-downloaded. Somehow the up-to-date check isn't working. Behavior is consistent. Thanks
( /etc/pacman.conf ) [suckless] SigLevel = PackageOptional Server = http://dl.suckless.org/arch/$arch ( Console input ) # pacman -Syu # pacman -Syu ( Result for second run ) core is up to date extra is up to date community is up to date xyne-i686 is up to date arcanisrepo is up to date suckless 1081.0 B 132K/s 00:00 [###################] 100% haskell-core is up to date -- http://www.fastmail.fm - Email service worth paying for. Try it for free