On Sun, Jul 06, 2014 at 11:57:18AM +0200, Džen wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Dimitris Papastamos <s...@2f30.org> wrote:
> > And please next time look at the actually git history of the project
> > before you jump in talking bs.

> I did look at the git history, this doesn't change the reason why I
> was asking. I was just wondering. Jump in talking bullshit. Yeah,
> bullshit...

If you had, you would have seen that I already had merged ~20 patches
into the original repo which renders your question useless.

This implies that there must be another reason for dropping the original
project other than me not providing patches back.

Now go write some patches instead of whining.

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