One can retrieve the link and send it over mplayer on nix, vlc,... and
any win32 apps as well.

2014-05-07 19:33 GMT+02:00 Ryan O’Hara <>:
> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:29 AM, patrick295767 patrick295767
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was watching a movie on youtube, and finally I realized that we
>> still haven't coded an application, such as we were doing 10-20 years
>> ago.
>> Why we still so heavily use the browser, when so much is possible with
>> coding in C.
>> Well you might you youtube python app, but it is so much marvellous to
>> code in C (or alternatively in C++).
>> Maybe one day we can rise more hacking programs (actually, you have
>> your own responsability to use it, over a gnu licencing.).
>> Well, the era of console apps is still there actively developed, but
>> we still have to strive more to bring more apps.
>> Cheers Guys, and Be C with you you always, even in your Pocket (on iphone 
>> ;))!
> Does this qualify as spam?
> Anyways, you won’t be hard-pressed to find a video player written in C.

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