On 04/26, Yuri Karaban wrote:
> Hello,
> I browsed suckless mailing lists and I found that system tray is
> discouraged in dwm and it's suggested to use tags instead.
> I was always using workspace separation (with other window manager) and
> I have instant messengers on dedicated workspace. But system tray is
> still very useful, without switching workspace I can see that I have new
> message on IM or someone has replied me in IRC.

Read a bit about the nature of tags in dwm.[^1] Other window managers and
desktop environments work in such a way that you have multiple virtual desktops,
each one with its own windows. If you want to work with one window, you need to
leave the ones in front of you behind when switching desktops/worspaces, and
possibly rearrange others when arriving at the new desktop/workspace.  In dwm,
you have one workspace, and can think of each tag as a label within a file
folder; clients are like sheets of paper. 

Rather than switching between sets of windows on different desktops, you're
grabbing the sheets of paper you need when you need them. No need to reach for
the mouse, no need to dig through menus, no need to have out-of-place icons in
the statusbar.  As far as workflow goes, you'd of course want to keep the number
of clients opened with a particular tag to only what you need most of the time,
so you don't end up pulling a bunch of windows in at once. 

[1] http://wongdev.com/blog/dwm-tags-are-not-workspaces/

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely 
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." - Douglas Adams

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