> I'm afraid to ask: what do you think about the Rust language? Personally, I mostly really like Go. But I would say one of my biggest problems with Go is (as far as I know) forced Garbage Collection. Depending on your point of view, that's either a strength or weakness of the language. From what I understand, Rust at least has optional GC, which is a plus for me. But I'm also aware that it has a bunch of other nice features I haven't looked into yet. So that's about all I can say.
Go does seem like a great language for large (Google size) teams of programmers all working (mostly) in userspace to coordinate large distributed systems. Correct me if I'm wrong but I see the suckless community focused on average user software: phones/tablets/embedded, laptops, servers, maybe small clusters? Personally, I'm mostly interested in smaller scale since that's what I interact with most often and I like to think about scaling down rather than scaling up. Which brings me to: I'm afraid to ask: what do you think about Forth? - Zack