Some additional doc I should have included in the previous document: Layout symbol -------------------
The layout symbol will probably look cryptic at first sight but it's very easily decoded. It consists of three characters, one for the direction of each area: * Global area: '<', '>', 'v', '^', just think of it as an arrow that points in the direction of the master area. * Master area: '|' for vertically tiled masters and '-' for horizontally tiled masters. * Stack area: same as for the master area. For example, '<||' stands for the default right stack tile provided by dwm and '^--' stands for bstack (as defined by the bottom stack patch). On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 9:00 PM, Carlos Pita <> wrote: > Hi, > > I would like to share this new patch I've written. It's akin to > flextile although there are some differences: > > 1) The code is much shorter, partly because it's intended to be > applied on top of pertag and partly because it doesn't deal with > nmaster stuff given that this is already included in dwm-6.0. > > 2) I've deliberately avoided deck like layouts (i.e. monocle in stack > variations). The reasons are given in the Digressions section of the > attached documentation file. > > 3) I've included additional mfact like controls for the master and > slave areas. This partially overlaps the cfacts and the stackmfact > patches, but it's not equivalent to any of them. > > Here is an excerpt of the documentation: > > This patch implements a generalization of the tile layout which adds > two attributes (direction and fact) to three areas (global, master, > stack). The global area is the entire allocatable visual space and > it's subdivided into the master and stack subareas. > > The direction of the global area controls the position of the master > area relatively to the stack area and it can be one of `DirHor(0)` > (traditional right stack), `DirVer(1)` (bottom stack), `DirRotHor` > (left stack) and `DirRotVer` (top stack). The direction of the master > and of the stack areas are independently set and can be one of > `DirHor(0)` and `DirVer(1)`. This combines to a total of 4\*2\*2=16 > layouts. > > The fact numbers indicate the relative size of the first > subarea/client along the direction of the considered area (i.e. width > for `DirHor` and `DirRotHor` and height for `DirVer` and `DirRotVer`). > A fact of 1 means that the first subarea/client is on par the rest, > while a fact of 2 means that its size must double the size of each of > the remaining subareas/clients, etc. So the fact for the global area > is similar to the traditional mfact in the sense that it manages the > relative allocation of visual space between the master and stack > subareas, while the fact for the master area stands for the relative > importance of the first master client against the rest of masters and, > similarly, the fact for the stack area stands for the importance of > the first slave client in relation to the rest of slaves. > > Cheers > -- > Carlos