It seems like some subscribers haven't read the bible of suckless yet.

On 10/20/13, Szymon Olewniczak <> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 01:02:34AM +0200, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:
>> Evan Buswell said:
>> > But OTOH, I do like the idea of separating the translation-to-html bit
>> > from the generate-sensible-output bit. XSLT may have done this poorly,
>> > but it's on the right track (and what else works better for this, Awk?
>> > Perl? m4?). I mean, I take the point that we can't really make the web
>> > stack all that much better, but at least we can containerize suck?
>> > Yes?
>> Containerize suck of web stack? It is already containerized in browsers
>> - choose the one that sucks less.
>> See, the problem with web stack are not somewhere between the stack and
>> the rest of your software and data. You readily may have your data in
>> whatever format you want and share it via whatever protocol you like.
>> Eg. you may have a bunch of JSON files accessible via their URLs as they
>> are and via werc (or your custom CGI script) as HTML. The problem with
>> web stack is the ugliness of web stack itself, and there is no
>> workaround for that.
> But think that we need to find something between. If we develop our
> own window manager on top of X11(which itself isn't very suckless),  its
> useful beouse it uses X11 (something that is standrad now) and it let us
> use all X11 apps in a less sucky way.
> So I think that saying - all "modern web" sucks(which is right in fact) -
>  let's make something completly diffirent is like saying - X11
> sucks, let's create something that can replace it.
> I'm serching for something similar as dwm in the web services world.
> We cannnot force everyone to use something diffirent than HTML and HTTP
> becouse noone want a huge revolution(users, web browsers and http
> servers developers). But maybe we can use this tools to create something
> less sucky, something that would make the web a better place.
> I don't want to starting a new project that will make the web
> worst place. I believe that web developdent can be done better rigth now and
> I want to show that it's possible.
> BR,
> Szymon

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