On 24 May 2013 11:03, Sam Watkins <s...@nipl.net> wrote:
> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 06:44:13PM -0600, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
>> HTML started out as SGML, which is even less sane than XML.
> It's a lot more sane than binary word / wordperfect documents and such.
> What do you suggest is better than HTML?  troff?  TeX?  docbook?  markdown?
> And what should replace HTTP?  9p?  ftp?  gopher?

If you compare to binary formats as a starter, you're gonna have a bad
time (for the record, I think newer word versions use DEFLATE'd zips
containing XML instead... shudder.

> There are all sorts of bogosities with HTTP and HTML, but it's possible
> to write nice simple clean well-formed HTML, and send nice simple clean
> HTTP requests, ignoring most of the suckful bits.

The point is that you shouldn't *have* to consciously ignore or
tolerate them. We can also argue that if you are ignorant of how it
works, UPnP is fantastic. That doesn't make it so.

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