You're right, those CTRL- keys are not mapped in dvtm at the moment. I
don't use emacs, so I'm not feeling real motivated to do it, but if you
look in the vt.c source file you should be able to figure out how to map
them without too much effort. I've got my own custom mappings for
certain keys in my own copy of dvtm. If you need help, ask again!
On 10/16/2012 07:09 AM, Jörn Gersdorf wrote:
I'm running dvtm in Cygwin. Thank you for this really amazing piece of
software. I really enjoy it.
However, I have some problems regarding some key codes like CTRL-PgUp
or CTRL-End.
Running read -n 1 in plain mintty (bash) and pressing CTRL-PgUp results in
~ (master) $ read -n 1
==> ~ (master) $ [5;5~
Now, running the same in mintty using dvtm results in
~ (master) $ read -n 1
'~ (master) $
So, dvtm is somehow mixing up the key codes under cygwin. Therefore
many CTRL-<special key>-combinations are not working in e. g. emacs
under dvtm/mintty/cygwin.
Any ideas?
Thank you!