On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 08:07:55 -0300 Carlos Pita <carlosjosep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, > > I tend to open every surf instance (except for apps like gmail) in its > own tabbed instance just because I don't know beforehand if I would > need more tabs while navigating from the initial page. The ability to > attach (and maybe detach) to tabbed on demand would be very handy in > order to avoid this just-in-case usage pattern. Has anyone wrote a > patch like that? How do you use tabbed+surf? > > Best regards > -- > Carlos > I was thinking about something like this. Attach is quite easy to make using i.e. xdotool. Using script like this (untested): xdotool selectwindow windowreparent TABBED_ID Spawned by tabbed. Detach is reparenting window back to root window. After such operation reparented window is working quite normally, but inside tabbed remains nonfunctional tab. Probably quite easy to fix. Regards.