On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Džen <yvl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What's the reason behind using nginx anyway? I guess it would be simpler to
> write an own http web server with go's http lib. Or am I wrong?

CGD can act as an HTTP server, but wont handle static files, it will
pass all requests to a single CGI script.

Why people use nginx? Well, same reason people use any web server: the
alternatives also suck and you have to pick one.

I have some plans for a full standalone web server (that can handle
both static and dynamic content) in Go, the libraries are all already
there, but there are some issues like how to best handle


> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 5:41 AM, Uriel <ur...@berlinblue.org> wrote:
>> CGD runs as a FastCGI wrapper (to be used with nginx or similar web
>> server) or as a standalone HTTP server, handing over all requests to a
>> given CGI script.
>> http://repo.cat-v.org/cgd/
>> This is useful to run werc under nginx, or directly without a
>> standalone web server.
>> CGD is extremely simple, under 50 lines of Go code, much simpler than
>> fcgiwrap, and has been tested in production by several members of
>> #cat-v.
>> Instructions on how to use CGD to host werc with nginx:
>> http://werc.cat-v.org/docs/web-server-setup/nginx
>> Feedback and patches welcome, as an experiment the CGD repo is hosted
>> with github:
>> https://github.com/uriel/cgd
>> Enjoy
>> Uriel

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