On 07/03/12 at 05:40pm, uki wrote: > 2012/7/3 Manolo Martínez <man...@austrohungaro.com>: > > The thing is, if xprop is running, I cannot focus the fceux window (so > > as to toggle fullscreen). On the other hand, if I am in fceux > > fullscreen, I cannot run xprop (I cannot go to another tag, or do > > anything really, without quitting fullscreen). > > > you could try: > sleep 60 && xprop > and than run fceux > > or just bind: > xprop > /tmp/somefile > to a key in config.h >
None of that works: dwm keys are, as I say, unresponsive in fceux fullscreen. When trying sleep + xprop, xprop complains that it can't "grab the mouse". Sorry if I'm just being thick! M --